Halloween 2023 👻

So Halloween has come and gone….unfortunately mom found costumes for us again and tricked us into putting them on.

On the outside Lilly look unimpressed…but inside…she’s still unimpressed!!
Oliver was ok with whatever as long as treats were involved!
Nobody is stealing any of our treats…

Fortunately the night was mostly uneventful, but it was mighty chilly! Luckily mom redeemed herself after making us wear costumes by making us cookies.

Hubro helped decorate ….

Hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday…with all treats and no tricks!! 🎃👻🐾

Oliver turned 2 🎉

So Mr. Oliver turned 2 over the weekend! (We kept on mom about posting before next year 😂) He enjoyed a big day with presents, treats, special birthday dinner followed by dessert.

The birthday boy!
Oliver’s birthday haul!
Birthday biscuit he was forced to share with his sister

So all in all he had a pretty good day. We also went for a walk after the festivities and he managed to get into something stinky. So he also enjoyed a wash on his birthday! Although he would argue that it was definitely not the most enjoyable part of the day.

Day after recovery …

He spent the next day mostly napping and mom is pretty sure he is also going through the terrible twos just like a toddler! We still love him to bits and are very glad he’s with us ❤️ ( although Lilly maybe not as much 😂)

Does he have to stay here all the time?

Live, laugh, Bark! 🐾🎊

It’s been awhile….

Sorry we haven’t posted in so long but mom has been keeping us pretty busy this summer! Between the heat waves and the rain we managed to fit in some cookouts, walks and lounging in the sun! Hope everyone had a great summer …we will be getting ready for Oliver’s second birthday soon!

Miss Lilly waiting for some food off the grill..
Oliver also waiting for some sharsies..
Oliver selfie..
Keeping watch together ….hours of entertainment looking out the front door!

We will try to make sure mom posts some highlights from Oliver’s birthday..we have to keep on her! Thanks for stopping by !

A chilly Christmas 🎄

Santa Paws was able to brave the extreme cold and safely made it to our house!!

We had lots of fun playing with our new toys and eating lots of treats!! We were only allowed out for very short potty breaks and we had to bundle up!

We were concerned that with the extreme cold and wind Santa might not make it but Mom said he would. For once she was right! After lots of playing eating and napping mom had to embarrass us with some pictures. She said we were the cutest presents ever.

We agree with her about that one! Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and keep staying warm!! 🎄❤️

Just a little update!

Sorry we have been missing this summer but we were very busy! Mr. Oliver is growing like crazy and already outweighs his sister!

Miss Lilly is still not overly excited about having a little brother but she is starting to warm up to him a little bit.

For anyone wondering Miss Lilly is still in charge around here and ordered a new sleepy chair since she has to put up with a little brother all the time.

She still has plenty of attitude also! Oliver is NOT allowed anywhere near her chair!!

But like I said Oliver is trying very hard to win her over . He finally got her to let him walk beside her recently. He was sooooo happy!

So that’s it for now, hope everyone is having a great summer! 🐾❤️

Valentine’s Day ❤️

I look so innocent and sweet mom…how can you stay mad at me for pooping on the floor?

Valentine’s Day is here again, so of course we are forced to take these silly photos because mom likes it and thinks we look adorable. Of course we are adorable, how do you think we get away with so much?

Seriously mom? Every holiday…and no you are not getting your blanket back.

Hope you all have a great Valentine’s Day filled with love and extra treats! ❤️

Winter basset print

The elusive winter Basset paw print

So in the last week we have acquired at least two feet of snow that we didn’t have before. I was able to capture a print from the elusive winter basset who normally hibernates during this type of weather. Hopefully I can get a glimpse of it when it emerges again! Stay warm everyone!

New guy in town..

Oliver Lee

So, a few weeks ago this new little guy showed up at my house! I was not very impressed with the decision to bring him here but I was overruled. ( followed by comments like you’ll get used to him)

I’m not moving…

The little runt has taken up position directly in front of the food service area and refuses to move until fed. This also displeases me since this is actually my food service area! ( his is in the dining room!) However it has worked to my advantage occasionally by scoring us extra treats, mom is a sucker for two sad faces pups.

I’m just gonna nap here..

Whatever the case may be , I am told he is remaining permanently and I should try to be a good big sister. I have recently allowed him to play with me for a few brief moments, but I remain firm that he will not join me in my sleepy chair…that is off limits…no negotiation.

He’s not touching my chair.