Oliver turned 2 🎉

So Mr. Oliver turned 2 over the weekend! (We kept on mom about posting before next year 😂) He enjoyed a big day with presents, treats, special birthday dinner followed by dessert.

The birthday boy!
Oliver’s birthday haul!
Birthday biscuit he was forced to share with his sister

So all in all he had a pretty good day. We also went for a walk after the festivities and he managed to get into something stinky. So he also enjoyed a wash on his birthday! Although he would argue that it was definitely not the most enjoyable part of the day.

Day after recovery …

He spent the next day mostly napping and mom is pretty sure he is also going through the terrible twos just like a toddler! We still love him to bits and are very glad he’s with us ❤️ ( although Lilly maybe not as much 😂)

Does he have to stay here all the time?

Live, laugh, Bark! 🐾🎊

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